An Oasis of Civility In an
Increasingly Uncivil World...?
At birth each human being has the "law of the heart"
inside, and it is only training (I can't call that "education") by a degenerate
society which makes so many people insensitive to this law of the
The current situation in the Zio-Western World will
change, one way or the other. That which cannot continue, will not continue.
Either the utterly criminal and corrupt West gets its basic morals back, or the
peoples of the West will be "replaced" by those who do...
When all there is left of "Christianity" is a
(pseudo-)Christian facade completely emptied of its original substance, a
religion with a solid sense of right and wrong automatically becomes a very
attractive proposition...
A glaring example of the utter criminality is this: Most
people in the Anglosphere have no idea of Balkan history, so trying to explain
this stuff to the man on the street is usually a waste of breath...
" Regardless of who you think was right or wrong in the
Yugoslav wars of the 1990's, does anyone really think that establishing a
gangster narco-terror state in the heart of Europe is a sensible answer?"
The real reason behind all of these shenanigans of the Zio-West is to sink in the psyche of the World, that fostering hundreds of Tribes with Flags all over MENA, ASIA, Africa and may be at some point Europe itself is an OK undertaking...with Russia, China and India down the line as well...with R2P and the rest of their crappy balderdash...
In my neck of the woods, most people are pretty cold on the idea of independent Kosovo, not because they know anything about Serbian or Balkan history, but because they are aware that "Kosovo" is a criminal enterprise, and that it was created out of thin air by the criminal West for geopolitical reasons...
I would also argue that *all* the parties to the war in
Bosnia (including the Serbs, by the way), were also primarily criminal gangs.
But I am afraid that there are very few people out there willing to accept that
all that religious or nationalistic fervor was just a facade to manipulate
people for criminal purposes. Most people really took sides in these wars, and
they are unwilling to admit that they have been had..., Doesn't that sound
The above is a pure "feel good" factor by a lot of Jewish people with a good conscience..., but knowing full well that nothing will ever change on the ground...Examples: Gideon Levy, Naom Chomsky, Sy Hersh, Miko Peled and others...What is most interesting is that No one in the West dares say any of that openly anywhere, especially in the corporate Media...
The above is a pure "feel good" factor by a lot of Jewish people with a good conscience..., but knowing full well that nothing will ever change on the ground...Examples: Gideon Levy, Naom Chomsky, Sy Hersh, Miko Peled and others...What is most interesting is that No one in the West dares say any of that openly anywhere, especially in the corporate Media...
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