It has begun to unfold. The waves of unrest will envelop the PIIGS countries first, Spain here being the “S” of the PIIGS already engulfed in unrest. We have seen the “G” off it – Greece last summer and are sure to see more. Others will erupt in protests, chaos and violence as the global economy will only descend into further hell....
We are sure to see these events in the US – but we know our police state here, don’t we? And we know on a gut level that they have built enormous strength stealthily in recent years, ready to strike with brutal force, sure to rock America at its foundation once the strikes against rioting civilians begin. They are harsher than riot police in Europe. Europe does not taser and shoot to kill but here they do and will. When the economic riots begin in USofA, the MSM Big Brother propaganda machine will belch out condemnation of rioters. They are our enemy, the terrorists, we must abandon them and save ourselves, it will bellow. And frightened Americans will cower down and comply.
Too fearful to question whether those affected in the first wave of bloody crackdown against rioting Americans and hauled to first FEMA camps are truly guilty of anything other than wanting their rights, freedom and self-governance back. You don’t ask that in a totalitarian regime. You shut up and agree with the state. The Silence of the Lambs. Silence in totalitarian regimes is insidious and unstoppable. I was born in such a totalitarian state and left it. But now I again live in such a state. Because the bottom has fallen out of global democracy and the beast will soon reveal itself like a hologram across the sky everywhere....
We know that the police brutality and militarized crackdown on civilians which will occur in waves around the globe will be by far the worst in the US. This is the country which was once the shining beacon of democracy. Its torch of liberty must be dramatically and visibly crushed for all the world to see which may still hold a glimmer of hope and look upon the US and its magical old strength of the people but the NWO will crush especially US civilian populations harder than anywhere else in the world. In order to demonstrate that this is the dawn of a new era. An era where the light of liberty shines no more....
The US population must and will be broken into fearful submission. Economic collapse is cascading in waves around the world and more wars are coming. FEMA camps will soon make their debut, likely to imprison first rounds of domestic terrorists with whom we should not associate or sympathize for our own safety, lest we land in the Empire’s crosshairs and become the next terrorists marked for deportation in their view. Hush, little baby, don’t say a word.....
This is where the military machine of global dominance of the controllers originates. London has always been the financial nerve center of it. Rome was where much of the spiritual direction of the sinister plan was housed. And the cold steel of the weapons which will destroy humanity and freedom is the US. We will feel it when they turn this giant military machine on US civilians. Soon. As the economy crumbles more and unrest begins, we will see what that police state with its weapons is capable of.....especially with the infamous White House Murder INC,.....
They will help instigate it, too. Create chaos so they can crack down on chaos. The old Hegelian dance. And take another little piece of our liberties each time.
When waves of violent and bloody economic protests begin in the US as they evolving in Europe and descend into looting and rioting, we will see a first glimpse of the omnipotent power of our police state. It is a matter of time until the first protests become so large in the US and chaos as rampant as NOLA during Katrina was – and then we will see the first wave of thousands Americans detained and transported to FEMA, declared domestic terrorists. It has already begun. What we are seeing in Europe is the small mild form of the terror which will unfold in the US as the wave of panic over economic collapse will begin to take more violent forms. Time is running out. And we are not prepared. Because there is no good way to prepare for what is coming because it is so unimaginably vast and large.
This is a huge and important issue which affects us all – including here in the US. The Euro is the beloved artificial creation of the NWO. It is instrumental in getting us all to swallow the medicine – see, it isn’t so bad if we give up our borders and currencies – look at Europe, they did it and are happy. If the Eurozone falls apart, the NWO has been dealt the most significant blow we could possibly hope for in slowing or halting the progression of global fascism. Massive measures have been launched to save the Euro – if it fails now, progression to NWO stalls. Global economies will collapse as a result but they will collapse anyway. We will have time to think, regroup and deal with our global predators in the US if the Euro collapses. The protests in Europe are all good. Great. We need more and more of it. At least protesting is not a life-threatening sport in the EU as it is here. I am grateful for the riots.
I am also hopeful that Spain and others will pull out of the EU to save its economy, as outlined in the link above. Germany is nervous. They can carry the EU on its back only so long and then no more and Germany has paid more than its fair share to feed the banksters and support a number of weaker European countries and Germany is tapped out.
I was born and raised in Europe and many there look at me in amazement when I say – I hope the EU collapses. Why? How can I be so regressive, the EU is a good thing, it has brought countries and cultures together!
We can do cultural exchanges in a different arena. Try the Club Med for a socialization forum but do not marry 27 economies to the same currency and mega-banks and mega-corporatism. And I hope this collapses soon. It is the last stop where we can get off as a global community before the train of humanity races off to FEMA camps. The EU protests and potential PIIGS collapse is the very last chance I see for humanity to stop the trains and ovens they have prepared for us.
Watch the EU closely for signs which way it will ultimately evolve here as the global chain reaction which this will be.
"The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth." - Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World....
"Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play." - Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister to Hitler
"Propaganda is to a democracy what violence is to a dictatorship." - William Blum