Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Langley/CIA carve-out on the Federal Reserve Board


December , 2010 -- A national security embed on the Federal Reserve Board...

A Langley/CIA carve-out on the Federal Reserve Board.....?

An informed U.S. intelligence community source has told us that a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors serves as the eyes and ears of the U.S. intelligence community within the organization that has become the bain of Americans who accuse the bank of being an uncontrolled and unanswerable overseer of U.S. economic policy. The member is Dan Tarullo, a key member of then-President Clinton's "principals" group of national security and economic security advisers....

Tarullo became a member of the Federal Reserve Board on January 28, 2009, just eight days after President Obama was inaugurated. Tarullo served on Clinton's National Economic Council, as well as the National Security Council and also served as Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs from 1993 to 1996. He also was President Clinton's personal envoy to the G7/G8 and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations....

Tarullo, taught at both Harvard and Georgetown Law Schools and also served as a chief counsel to Senator Edward Kennedy. He also was a key interlocutor between the intelligence community and private industry in pushing the Clinton administration's unpopular encryption key escrow system that would have given the government the key to break any encrypted communications....

Tarullo also chaired the economic committee of the Princeton Project on National Security, co-chaired by former Secretary of State George Schultz and former Clinton National Security Adviser Anthony Lake. The Princeton Project is supported financially by the Ford Foundation, Princeton's
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, the Hewlett Foundation, and David Rubenstein, the co-founder of The Carlyle Group....

Tarullo was one of three "Khazars" national security advisers under Clinton who provided justification for the approval of sensitive missile technology exports to China by Loral Corporation.... Loral's boss, Bernard Schwartz, was a major contributor to Clinton and the Democratic Party. Joining Tarullo in defending the Loral exports were national security adviser Sandy Berger and White House congressional liaison Larry Stein....

We were also told that when his resume is compared to the other members of the Federal Reserve Board, Tarullo is clearly on the board for other reasons, not merely having to do with economic policy....

On a side Note.....

Soros is CIA/MOSSAD - he is one of the most significant servants to the Rothschilds, IMO the single most significant one. He is NOT a solo player for himself although he seems to enjoy considerable freedom to do as he pleases - but in the end, he always scores victories and brings home the loot to his masters, the Rothschilds.... Ultimately, he will always be a servant to the Rothschilds - that is what affords him his seemingly limitless power, gives him access to any info, use any resource pretty much anywhere in the world whether he wants their banking, judiciary, political or any system - the Rothschilds already own it pretty much globally. He can be above the law, melt down countries and change geopolitics as he pleases - he has the wealthiest evil guys on the planet behind him. Same with Mittal - Google Lakshmi Mittal sometimes or Mittal Steel - another one of the richest Rothschild servants global players like Soros. Mittal just takes over steel and resources in country after country but stays out of social engineering. There is a whole collection of them the size and caliber of Mittal...

But Soros is unique - Soros/CIA does the economic meltdowns, bank-busting and social engineering in countless countries - he owns all these human rights fake orgs under the umbrella of OSI. (this here: ) and under that OSI umbrella, there are many dozens of individual entities around the planet - human rights watch organizations, media orgs, gay rights things, progressive youth things, women's rape shelters and all sorts of things - while they all sound good on record and manage to do some minor good along the way, it is important to note that humanitarian work or progressive human rights work is merely their cover and not primary mission - their purpose is social engineering, spying, gathering evidence and altering data presented in courts in areas where the global elites committed many crimes against humanity (such as Helsinki Committee does), etc. And then he owns countless media outlets outright, funds our sweet little trolls for Cass, and funds everything from Media Matters to Miss Arianna of HuffPo herself. His reach spans the globe and his influence is absolutely everywhere....

He has always been a presence in the US but in the last few years, he is bearing down on the US mightily - if you know how he operates and learn how to watch Soros, you will see his work and fingerprints everywhere. And this bearing down on the US is so reminiscent on him bearing down on the Balkans and USSR prior to their collapses because he himself is a vital active part in engineered social, financial and economic collapses - that is what his human rights organizations really do behind the sweet cover of doing some social good in the world....

Study Soros and what he has done in the past and exactly how he does it and you will see the US unraveling right now in ways you have not noticed before unless you know what to look for. The bastard is bearing down on the US heavily - worse than ever - since he helped produce Obama. And that in itself is an indicator that it is coming to an end here. He is the mark of evil rising in the sky before Armageddon if you recognize him for what he is....,9171,2040142,00.html

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