The Bilderberg Group (and here) is an annual meeting among current and future leaders in government, money, and media. Their members are secretive, but we can see their chosen policies:
- The wars are Orwellian unlawful because war law makes armed attack illegal unless first attacked by another nation’s government.
- Using debt as a so-called money supply is economic criminal fraud because it creates ever-increasing aggregate debt that can never be repaid (because that’s what we use for money). This is just one cartel of many that shift trillions of the 99%’s wealth to the 1%.
- The crimes and lies are only possible through ZIOCONNED corporate media’s complicity.
The above policies kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions. As such, the 99% have an interest to occupy Bilderberg and expose its members as the architects of these criminal policies. Click here for Infowars’ live coverage of the Bilderberg conference.
The endgame is the surrender or arrests of “emperor has no clothes” obvious War Criminals and debt-slave drivers....
The ZIO Israel lobbying group, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), defines Bilderberg as “a legitimate business entity with ties to Europe and America”. It also raises the hoax of ‘Jewish hatred’ against people who consider Biderberg as world’s most powerful economical and political secret society.
“Various far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists, however, charge that the group is a shadowy force seeking to control world events, exerting allegedly dominating powers of international influence to promote a “new world order” under their control. The extremists claim that Presidential candidates of both major U.S. political parties are controlled by the Bilderberg group; among those often mentioned in such conspiracy-oriented propaganda are David Rockefeller, the ZIO Clintons and the humongous war criminal Henry Kissinger,” says ADL official website, June 2011.