Kaddafi, Big Oil, Lockerbie, Syria, CIA, Heroin routes and the Vampire Wars....
About July 2010, I started hearing that Gaddafi was exerting heavy pressure on U.S. and British oil companies to cough up special fees and kick backs to cover the costs of Libya’s reimbursement to the families of Pan Am 103… Payment of damages for the Lockerbie bombing had been one of the chief conditions for ending U.N. sanctions on Libya that ran from 1992 until 2003. And of course the United Nations forced Gaddafi to hand over two Libyan men for a special trial at The Hague, though everybody credible was fully conscious of Libya’s innocence in the Lockerbie affair… (Only CIA, its cronies, disinformation agents and ignorant politicians trying to score publicity points say otherwise….)
Knowing Gaddafi so well …, he’d done it… He’d bided his time until he could extort compensation from U.S. oil companies… He’s a crafty bastard, extremely shrewd, criminal and canny. That’s exactly how he operates… And now he was taking his revenge… As expected, the U.S., UK, France, Italy were hopping mad about it… Gaddafi wasn’t playing the game the way the Oil Bloodsuckers wanted… The Vampire of our age—the Oil Industry—roams the earth, sucking the life out of every nation to feed its thirst for profits… Only when they got to Libya, Kaddafi took on the role of a modern-day Robin Hood, who insisted on replenishing his Regime for the costs they’d suffered under U.N. sanctions.
Backing up a year earlier, in August 2009 the lone Libyan convicted of the Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people, Abdelbasset Megrahi, won a compassionate release from Scottish prison. Ostensibly, the British government and Scottish Courts granted Megrahi’s request to die at home with dignity from advance stage cancer—in exchange for dropping a legal appeal packed with embarrassments for the European Courts… The decision to free Megrahi followed shocking revelations of corruption at the special Court of The Hague that handled the Lockerbie Trial…. Prosecution witnesses confessed to receiving payments of $4 million each from the United States, in exchange for testimony against Megrahi, a mind-blowing allegation of judicial corruption….[ Remember that when judging STL's intelligence creeps manning that fake "Tribunal"... ]
The Lockerbie conviction was full of holes to begin with… Anybody who knows anything about terrorism in the 1980s knows the CIA got mixed up in heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley during the hostage crisis in Lebanon… The Lockerbie conspiracy had been a false flag operation to kill off a joint CIA and Defense Intelligence investigation into kick backs from Syria and Islamic Jihad, in exchange for protecting the heroin transit network…
According to Dr. Richard Fuisz, who’d been stationed in Lebanon and Syria at the time, the CIA had established a protected drug route from Lebanon to Europe and on to the United States. His statements support other sources that “Operation Corea” allowed Syrian drug dealers led by Monzer al-Kassar (also linked to CIA and to Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal) to ship heroin to the U.S. ON Pan Am flights, in exchange for intelligence on the hostages’ whereabouts in Lebanon and other juicy matters in the area…. The CIA made sure that suitcases carrying heroin were not searched at customs… Nicknamed the “Godfather of Terror,” Al Kassar/CIA is now serving a prison sentence for conspiring with Colombian drug cartels to assassinate opponents….
Building up to Lockerbie, the Defense Intelligence team in Beirut, led by Maj. Charles Dennis McKee and Matthew Gannon, suspected that CIA infiltration of the heroin network might be prolonging the hostage crisis. If so, the consequence was severe. AP Reporter Terry Anderson got chained in a basement for 7 years, while 96 other high profile western hostages suffered beatings, mock executions and overall trauma. McKee’s team raised the alarms in Washington that a CIA double agent profiting from the narco-dollars might be warning the hostage takers whenever their dragnet closed in. Washington sent a fact-finding team to Lebanon to gather evidence…
On the day it was blown out of the sky, Pan Am 103 was carrying that team of CIA and FBI investigators, the CIA’s Deputy Chief assigned to Beirut, and three Defense Intelligence officers, including McKee and Gannon, on their way to Washington to deliver a report on the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking, and the impact on terrorist financing and the hostage crisis… In short, everyone with direct knowledge of CIA/Syrian kickbacks from heroin trafficking died on Pan Am 103…. A suitcase packed with $500,000 worth of heroin was found in the wreckage. It belonged to investigators, as proof of the corruption…
The punch line was that the U.S. State Department issued an internal travel advisory, warning that government officials should get off that specific flight on that specific day, because Pan Am 103 was expected to get bombed. That’s right, folks! The U.S. had prior knowledge of the attack…
Unforgivably, nobody told Charles McKee or Matthew Gannon. But other military officials and diplomats got pulled off the flight—making room for a group of students from Syracuse University traveling stand by for the Christmas holidays…
It was a monstrous act! But condemning Megrahi to cover up the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking and Syrian complicity has struck many Lockerbie aficionados as grossly unjust… Add the corruption of purchased testimony– $4 million a pop— and Megrahi’s life sentence struck a nerve of obscenity…
It struck Kaddafi as grievously offensive, as well—The United Nations had forced Libya to fork over $2.7 billion in damages to the Lockerbie families, a rate of $10 million for every death. Once it became clear the U.S. paid two key witnesses $4 million each to commit perjury, spook gossip throughout the summer was rife that Kaddafi had taken bold action to demand compensation from U.S. (and probably British) oil corporations operating in Libya… More than likely, Libya’s demands for kick backs and compensation extended to other European oil conglomerates as well—particularly France and Italy—who are now spearheading attacks on Libya.
I knew last summer there would be trouble. Payback would be a b*tch on both sides. You don’t lock an innocent man in prison for 10 years on bogus charges of terrorism, and expect forgiveness. The United States and Britain had behaved with remarkable selfishness. You’ve got to admit that Kaddafi’s attempt to balance the scales of justice demonstrated a flair of righteous greed and some “nationalism”….
Alas, Kaddafi was playing with fire, no matter how justified his complaint. You don’t strike a tyrant without expecting a tyrant to strike back….
And that’s exactly what’s happening today...
Who are we kidding? The United States, Britain, Israel and NATO don't care about bombing civilians to contain rebellion.... Their militaries bomb civilians every day without mercy. They have destroyed most of the community infrastructure of Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan before turning their sights on Libya.... That's what really is going on here?A world challenged by Peak oil cannot afford to start a fight with the only country that controls the only relative energy safety valve. The Saudis has destroyed Copenhagen, will make sure that no alternative fuel is produced by maintaining the market price below the switch price and will prevent the democratization of the Arab world at any cost since a democratic Arab world spells the end of the Saudi monarchy. It is as simple as that...

There are a number of issues conflated here.
There is the question of the workings of the market itself, then there is the question of supply and demand for oil. The issue with the workings of the market is corruption. That comes from Three sources: Sovereign corruption - which is market manipulation by China, Saudi Arabia and others for their own purposes. Then there is organized crime. Then there are the Hedge Funds.
Regulators, and most probably others, do not seem interested in stemming corruption otherwise there would be a world wide ban on naked short selling, among other things, by now.
As for the Hedge funds, In 2008(?) during the last price spike, I watched an Australian billionaire take a call from New York and then announce to all within earshot that he was now "in the Oil business". The trick for these guys is to know when to quit while ahead.
Contrary to popular opinion, a little speculation is necessary in commodity markets to provide liquidity. The trouble comes when "Synthetic" investment products backed by notional commodities are created. For example the volume of Gold backed "investment" securities is Two Hundred Times the worlds physical store of the metal. This has lead one group of economists to advise its clients that if they wish to invest in Gold , then it must be physical metal, stored personally. All those holdings "stored in our secure vaults in Jersey" are vapor should there ever be a run on gold.
As for oil supply, Wikileaks reports that U.S. Diplomats believe Saudi reserves are nothing like what they suggest. However that is not the main problem. Others have pointed out that we will never run out of oil. What we will run out of is easily extractable and therefore cheap oil.
As for oil demand, I said in another forum around year 2000, that if America, as the worlds biggest oil consumer, didn't curb its appetite for cheap oil voluntarily by Government intervention, then the market would do it for you, with much more concomitant pain.
However there is an even bigger issue to do with oil - that is to do with productivity. When an Indian or Chinese peasant buys a motorized pump or replaces a horse and cart with a truck, he doubles, or quadruples his productivity. He can and will be motivated to pay much more for oil than some American guy who wants to drive his Hummer to McDonald's.
To put it simply Oil in America has been too cheap for too long and the inevitable market distortions this created will be corrected in due course by the free market, if it is allowed to.
To put it another way, why isn't America producing a wide range of the worlds most fuel efficient vehicles? American primacy is a given in many other fields of Endeavor, why not this one?