" . . . the Obama administration is as much interested in allowing Qaddafi to hold on long enough so any documents or witnesses to that [CIA] torture programs can be ex-filtrated from Libya so there is no smoking gun evidence left.... Just as we saw with trying to keep Mubarak in power for enough time to clear the records of the CIA's programs there...."
In an old refrain played out in Egypt, the CIA, MOSSAD, DGSE, MI6, SIMI, GID and Justice Department trying to buy time for Muammar Qaddafi, who is a Jew.... "Don't cry for me Jamahiriya."
Considering the Western Strategic investments in actual contracts with Muammar Qaddafi, worth well over 200 Billion USD, the stakes are quite high indeed....So, what's the "Tolerance" level??
We have learned from a well-placed source that Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi has called in a number of political and financial markers in his bid to cling on to power, no matter the costs, including waging a bloody genocidal campaign against the Libyan people....
The Obama administration's major concern in trying to extend Qaddafi's stay in power for as long as possible is to protect documents and potential witnesses within the Libyan Jamahiriya Security Organization (JSO). The CIA used Libyan, Syrian, Jordanian, Moroccan, and Egyptian intelligence and security facilities and assets for its "extraordinary rendition" and torture programs, first authorized by then-deputy Attorney General Eric Holder in 1997.... Holder is currently President Obama's Attorney General and, as with Egypt's Hosni Mubarak government and its joint General Intelligence Directorate-CIA kidnapping and torture program run by Omar Suleiman ("Sheik Al-Torture"), and Asef Shawkat of Syria's MI, the Obama administration is supporting the CIA in its quest to ensure that no details, including documents and witnesses, emerge from the Libyan JSO-CIA-EGID-SMI operations....http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2045328_2045333_2053107,00.html
The Obama administration wants to buy time for Qaddafi so that it can exfiltrate from Libya, JSO and other assets involved with the "Al-Qaeda" rendition, torture, and tracking programs. In fact, in a long and rambling speech delivered by Muammar Qaddafi today on Libyan state television, he railed against the Bin Laden and "Al-Qaeda" threat to his regime....
We previously reported that a CIA rendition Boeing 737 operated by CIA front company Keeler and Tate Management of Reno, Nevada, arrived at RAF Northolt, UK on November 14, 2003, from Mitiga, Libya. The plane also arrived in Libya on January 12; March 12; October 28; October 12; October 19, 2003 and February 21; March 7, 9, 16,; April 21, 23; September 7, 2004; and January 7, 16, 18, 19, 2005. The CIA Boeing torture plane flew missions between Damascus, Syria; Mitiga airport in Tripoli and Valletta, Malta; Oxford, UK; Dulles International Airport, Washington; Palma de Mallorca, Spain; Frankfurt, Germany; Morocco; and Glasgow, Scotland.
Another CIA rendition aircraft, a Gulfstream IV, leased to the CIA by Phillip H. Morse, a minority partner of the Boston Red Sox, departed Tripoli on May 5, 2004 en route to Tenerife, Canary Islands.
However, according to our source, it is the financial connections of the Qaddafi family to a number of lucrative business deals with the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, and Russia that has these countries dragging their feet on demanding the Qaddafi regime to step down. Saif al-Islam Qaddafi enjoys a close relationship with former Labor Business Secretary Lord Peter Mandelson, according to our source. It was Mandelson, who Saif reportedly calls "Mandy," who introduced Saif to Nathaniel Rothschild, the wealthy scion of the financially- and politically-powerful Rothschild family...ALL MOSSAD Sayanims.... Muammar Kaddafi's mother was Jewish and his second wife is from the "Farkash" family....
Our source reports that Saif Qaddafi, 'Nate" Rothschild, and "Mandy" are frequent diners at Moscow's ritzy Pushkin Restaurant, and have often held meetings there with Oleg Deripaska, the billionaire Russian tycoon who partly owns RUSAL, the Russian aluminum company. Deripaska, Mandelson, Saif Qaddafi, and Rothschild also met at Deripaska's Corfu estate and on the tycoon's yacht, often docked in Montenegro. The team was apparently attempting to cash in on the U.S. Air Force's lucrative tanker refueling project. RUSAL is slated to provide the aluminum for EADS (European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company), one of the two bidders -- Boeing is the other -- on the controversial contract that has been rife with fraud..... When informed that the Qaddafi family was involved with the tycoons backing EADS' contract bid, some U.S. national security officials expressed alarm.
However, as we reported on June 9, 2008, ". . . the McCain campaign wants to bury the story of McCain's 70th birthday bash held on board the yacht of a Russian aluminum tycoon in the Adriatic Sea. The party was held on August 29, 2006, McCain's birthday and followed a congressional junket by McCain and five other GOP senators to the Republic of Georgia. The host for McCain's yacht party off the coast of the Republic of Montenegro was, according to our sources with close links to the Republican Party, Oleg Deripaska, one of Russia's most powerful tycoons who made his billions in cornering Russia's aluminum market in the 1990s. The 40-year old Deripaska is also politically-connected, having married the daughter of Russia's late President Boris Yeltsin. Unlike most other Russian tycoons, who now live in exile abroad and are protected by Israeli passports, Deripaska maintains close relations to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and another Russian tycoon, Roman Abramovich, who was also invested in Russia's aluminum industry. In 2000, Deripaska merged his firm, Basic Element, with Abramovich's firm, RusAl. Both tycoons maintain expensive homes in London."
We have also been informed by our source that Newscorp owner Rupert Murdoch has been a frequent guest at Corfu soirees also attended by Saif Qaddafi, Rothschild, Mandelson, and Derispaska. ALL MOSSAD Sayanims....
Newscorp/MOSSAD owns Fox and SKy News....
On March 25, 2009, we reported: "British intelligence sources report to us that a series of high-level financial deals between Libya, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, Business Secretary Peter Mandelson, former Speaker of the House of Commons Michael Martin, and Scottish First Minister Alexander Salmond resulted in the release from a Scottish prison of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, the Libyan Arab Airlines officials framed by CIA in the CIA/Syria MI... planting the bomb on board Pan Am 103 that killed 281 people on the plane and in the village of Lockerbie in 1988. Megrahi's colleague, Lamen Khalifa Fhimah, was acquitted of charges in the terrorist attack.In fact, according to the British intelligence sources, the Libyans were never responsible for the bombing of PanAm 103, which was carried out by the CIA/Syria MI... and their Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) proxies in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley in retaliation for the shooting down by the USS Vincennes of an Iran Air Airbus-300 over the Persian Gulf in July 1988 that killed all 290 passengers and crew."...., in addition to a secret CIA/DEA/DIA team who was targeted by CIA's upper echelons for getting too close to covert operations with Damascus..., involving Heroin trade....and other Black Ops. with the Syrians..., and that team had to be eliminated by the CIA Mafia at Langley....
Our report continued: "Negotiations on the deal to free Megrahi, who stood to embarrass the British and U.S. governments with new evidence of his innocence if the appeal of his conviction had gone forward, began last October after two major Scottish banks, Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), collapsed. After HSBC and Barclays made overtures to the Bank of England to buy HBOS and RBS, the proposals were rejected by what is known in Whitehall as the "Larnarkshire Mafia" -- Brown, Darling, and Martin -- intervened in the Scottish financial crisis and ordered that public money vice commercial funds be used to prop up HBOS and RBS. Eventually, Lloyds TSB bought HBOS creating Lloyds Banking Group, which was, itself, later bailed out by the British government. The word from Whitehall is that, although Parliament is in summer recess, senior staffers know that a major secret deal was worked out between Number 10 and Number 11 Downing Street (the residences of the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer, respectively) and Qaddafi and sealed after a meeting two weeks ago between Mandelson and Qaddafi's son, Saif al Islam Qaddafi, at a Rothschild family-owned villa on Corfu....
The deal worked out is that profits realized from future oil and gas deals between Britain and Libya will be used to bail out the Scottish banks."
With these powerful connections, the Qaddafi regime is pressing his friends and allies in London, Washington, Moscow, Tel Aviv, Paris and within the Silvio Berlusconi mafia that runs Italy, that they must stress "stability" -- a word also heard as Mubarak was on the rope in Cairo -- over democracy.... So far, Qaddafi has drawn some success as he clings to power, forcing Genocide on the Libyan people and mocking the world....Is this a prelude to Nato intervention with Africom....?
Gaddafi's Next Move: Sabotage Oil and Sow Chaos?
By Robert Baer Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2011Its clear to see now that mainstream media in the West and elsewhere... are extensions of the security forces and secret intelligence services, just like in any tin pot banana republic.... CNN = CIA, WAPO=CIA, Wailing Wall Street Journal=CIA, NYT=CIA etc.
Unlike energy produced in most African states, nearly all of Libya's oil and natural gas is produced onshore. This reduces development costs but increases the chances that political instability could impact output - and Libya has been anything but stable of late.
Libya's 1.8 million barrels per day (bpd) of oil output can be broken into two categories. The first comes from a basin in the country's western extreme and is exported from a single major hub just west of Tripoli. The second basin is in the country's eastern region and is exported from a variety of facilities in eastern cities.
At the risk of oversimplifying, Libya's population is split in half: Leader Muammar Gaddafi's power base is in Tripoli in the extreme west, the opposition is concentrated in Benghazi in the east, with a 600 kilometer-wide gulf of nearly empty desert in between.
This effectively gives the country two political factions, two energy-producing basins, two oil output infrastructures. Economically at least, the seeds of protracted conflict - regardless of what happens with Gaddafi or any political changes after he departs - have already been sown.
If Libya veers toward civil war, each side will have its own source of income to feed on, as well as a similar income source on the other side to target. There have not been any attacks on the energy sector yet, but the threats to stability - overt and implied - have been sufficient to nudge most international oil firms operating in Libya to remove their staff.
These staff are essential. At 6.5 million people, Libya's tiny population simply cannot generate the mass of technocrats and engineers required to run a reasonably sized energy sector. As such, foreign firms do most of the investing and all of the heavy lifting.
The Libyans are hardly incompetent, but even if their skill sets and labor force simply were deep enough - and they are not - the political instability is keeping many workers at home. Within the past 24 hours we have seen the first reductions in output - about 100,000 bpd is now offline - and more are sure to follow.
This will be the biggest problem for Italian energy major ENI. That firm's relationship with Libya reflects Rome's, which has had influence in what is currently Libya literally since the time of the Roman Empire. ENI has had boots on the ground in the North African state since the dawn of its energy industry in 1959 and has never scaled back its operations.
Even in the dark days of Libya's ostracism from the West in the 1980s, when American firms left due to Gaddafi's backing of various militant factions and United Nations and US sanctions were levied after Libyan agents were framed by CIA in the downed Pam Am Flight 103 in 1988, [ which was done by CIA/SYRIA and a Heroin deal gone sour, plus some Black covert ops. with DEA/CIA factions....] , killing 270 people, ENI drilled on. As such, ENI produces some 250,000 bpd in Libya, which accounts for 15% of the Italian firm's global output. It is also the major power behind the country's moderate piped natural gas exports.
ENI is also a partially state-owned firm and is thus susceptible to inefficiency and a lack of propensity to rise to technical challenges. As such, ENI has simply been unable to secure new energy sources except on terms set by others. Unsurprisingly, it has seen its market share eroded by a more adept private challenger, Edison.
All told, Italy has to find about 60 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas a year to cover the country's natural gas deficit. Despite the drawbacks of partnering with someone like Gaddafi, Libya can provide about 11 bcm - and ENI, fully supported by the central government in Rome, gets all of it. Italy, via ENI, is also Libya's single largest oil consumer, with most of the rest going elsewhere in Europe.
Whether ENI loses access to Libyan energy because of safety concerns, supply interruptions or a new government in Tripoli that looks less than favorably on the company that stuck by Gaddafi through thick and thin, there is much risk and little opportunity ahead in ENI's future relations with Libya....
Vladimir Putin has an interesting way of dealing with Oleg Deripaska....
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has reportedly assured francophone African dictators like Chad's President Idriss Déby Itno of Paris's support in the event of popular uprisings such as those that ousted the dictators of Tunisia and Egypt and now threaten to depose Libya's Muammar Qaddafi....
Exclusive to us: The Arab revolt has spread to Arabia [we're dropping the descriptor "Saudi" since that will, in the near future, no longer be the name of the country currently known as "Saudi Arabia."] 22 Feb 2011 -- Some 100 youth took to the streets of Hafar Al Batin, calling for the end of the Saudi regime. Hafar Al Batin is a city in northeast Arabia. The Crypto-Zionist Saudi regime, through media propaganda, has devoted attention to the return of King Abdullah II after his recent surgery in Morocco. Arabians are infuriated about the lack of government response to the floods in Jeddah and the fact that Abdullah did not do anything about the damage caused by the floods. On the eve of Abdullah's return, Arabians took to the streets calling on Abdullah not to return, chanting "we don't need you." No news agency has covered the Arabian protests, except Islah TV, which has confirmed the news. People in Arabia now say "Enough is Enough." We are told there will be a big uprising in the coming days in Arabia. Islamic Ummah Party calls for reforms. Opposition says Sauds are not the only ones who have right to rule the country....
Abdullah welcomed to Riyadh by Bahrain King Hamad.
[Since Libya is the jackpot in N. Africa and Col. Qaddafi is the "joker," NATO calls emergency meeting. Ideas being leaked to the press so far involve making Libya into a "no fly zone," or launching selective air strikes, to tip the balance in the people's favor. The US military has been wanting to remove "Col. Brother" for so long that they must have practiced both solutions many times in the past....]
[Either Robert Gates is up to his usual spy doublespeak here, or CIA/military "mindfuck" agents are close to losing control of all their boiling cauldrons of treachery in the Middle East and Africa. (There really is no better way to describe the jobs of professional mind-twisters, or "mind-rapers" than this new word.) In their wildest dreams they could not have imagined the ease with which the revolution has spread across Northern Africa. In their worst nightmares, they should have foreseen what is about to happen in American-controlled countries like Iraq (and believe it or not, possibly even in Israel itself).
America's puppets may be about to have their strings cut. Gates knows.... He has been a CIA insider since American foreign policy first went off track and began to employ mercenaries and "Islamist" militants to do our dirty work for us. At some point, it becomes necessary for the American side to disengage from this dirty war, especially if Islamist allies are exposed. If the Iraq provisional govt. of Iraq falls, then the files in govt. offices that stretch all the way back to Iraq's early days, will be laid bare. If that really happens, then everyone will forget all about CIA's "Wikileaks....."
America's intelligence war is about to blow-up in our faces.]
[“Citizen-Saboteur” equals “terrorist-lite,” one step above the “Gladio” type of terrorist being implanted all over Europe and Asia after WWII. The frank discussions within this field manual on the science of anarchy are chilling in their implications, especially after being honed in secret for sixty years or more.]