March 30 -- Blackstone Group LP, the world’s largest private-equity firm, rebuffed a request from securities regulators to publicly disclose the performance of its buyout and hedge funds while Fortress Investment Group LLC agreed.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission asked both New York-based companies to include fund returns in their financial reports, according to letters the agency released earlier this month. Fortress did so in its annual report. Blackstone told the SEC it wouldn’t....
Buyout firms and hedge-fund managers are accustomed to operating in private, and the decisions by both companies to sell shares to the public in 2007 sparked debate over how much information they would divulge. Returns are an important indicator of a firm’s ability to attract new cash from clients and increase revenue, said Conrad Weymann, managing partner at Mallory Capital Group LLC, a Darien, Connecticut-based investment bank.
“In this game, it’s track record, track record, track record,” said Weyman, whose firm raises money for private- equity and private real-estate funds.
The SEC asked Blackstone and Fortress last year to publish “performance information” in future filings. The SEC requested details including the name of each fund, the date it was formed, assets under management and net return for each period presented in the filing.
In explaining why investors should get the data, the SEC cited Blackstone’s and Fortress’s own words in previous filings. Both had warned investors that subpar performance could hinder future revenue and their ability to start new funds.
Daniel Bass, Fortress’s chief financial officer, responded in a Jan. 26 letter to the SEC that the company would “augment our disclosure” by providing a performance table for “all significant funds” in its annual report.
The chart in the company’s annual report, issued March 16, included returns on 25 private-equity funds and seven hedge funds with combined assets of about $29 billion at Dec. 31.
The company didn’t provide annual performance figures for buyout funds that were still making investments or were less than a year old, stating instead that some had returns to date that were “significantly negative.”
Blackstone Chief Financial Officer Laurence Tosi told the SEC in a Dec. 5 letter that disclosure of detailed performance data wasn’t required under applicable regulations and wasn’t a meaningful measurement of operating results.
“The individual rates of return have no direct impact on our financials and therefore we question the relevance to our investors,” Tosi said in the letter.
No Fund Data
Blackstone’s March 2 annual report disclosed that the fair value of its private-equity funds had a net depreciation of 32 percent last year, compared with net appreciation of 16 percent in 2007.
Blackstone had about $91 billion in fee-earning assets under management at Dec. 31, including $25.5 billion in private- equity funds and $22.9 billion in real-estate funds. The remaining $42.6 billion was in hedge funds and funds that invest in hedge funds.
Peter Rose, a Blackstone spokesman, declined to comment of the firm’s letter, which the SEC released March 16. Fortress spokeswoman Lilly Donohue didn’t return a telephone call seeking comment on its letter, released March 20.
In the prospectus for its initial public offering, Blackstone said it intends to be a “different kind of public company” whose managers take a long-term perspective. The firm won’t provide earnings forecasts because the performance of its businesses may vary in “significant and unexpected ways” from quarter to quarter, according to the filing.
Review Finished
The SEC said in a Jan. 30 follow-up letter to Blackstone that the agency had completed its review and had no further comments “at this time.”
Andy Schoeffler, a staff attorney in the agency’s division of corporation finance who was listed as a contact in the letter, declined to comment.
Buyout funds use a combination of capital raised from investors and debt to take over companies. They seek to boost the companies’ earnings through increased sales and cost- cutting. Hedge funds are private pools of capital, largely unregulated, that invest in anything from stocks and bonds to commodities, futures, derivatives and real estate.
Long Term
Because private-equity funds earn their returns by purchasing and then selling companies over a seven- to 10-year period, annual performance figures can be misleading, particularly in the early life of the partnership, said Marc Bonavitacola, who analyzes and examines buyout funds for Boston- based SVG Advisers Inc.
A private-equity fund’s actual returns can’t be judged until all the companies it has invested in have been fixed up and sold, he said.
While it would be helpful to have more disclosure, “I understand why Blackstone doesn’t want to do it,” said Daniel Fannon, an analyst at Jefferies & Co. in San Francisco. “These are points in time and the private-equity funds have a much longer life.”
Where's Eliot Spitzer Now That We Need Him?
Rothschilds & Rockefellers – Trillionaires Of The World: The power of the Rothschild family was evidenced on 24 Sept 2002 when a helicopter touched down on the lawn of Waddedson Manor, their ancestral home in Buckinghamshire, England. Out of the helicopter strode Warren Buffet, – touted as the second richest man in the World but really a lower ranking player- and Arnold Schwarzenegger (the gropinator), at that time a candidate for the Governorship of California. Also in attendance at this two day meeting of the World’s most powerful businessmen and financiers hosted by Jacob Rothschild were James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank and Nicky Oppenheimer, chairman of De Beers. Arnold went on to secure the governorship of one of the biggest economies on the planet a year later. That he was initiated into the ruling class in the Rothschilds’ English country manor suggests that the centre of gravity of the three hundred trillion dollar cartel is in the U.K. and Europe not the U.S....
Jacob Frank, et l'alliance des faux Juifs avec les Rothschild et les
Le règne millénaire du Messie n'était pas venu !
Mais les œuvres de Shabbatai Zevi circulèrent sous le manteau, et son
influence continua à s'étendre. Cinquante ans plus tard, naissait en
Pologne Yakov Ben Judah Leib Frankovitch (1726-1791), fils d'un rabbin.
Devenu négociant, il parcourut le Moyen-Orient. En Turquie, à l'âge de
29 ans, il fut pleinement initié aux rites secrets de la secte des
Donmeh, héritiers de Shabbatai Zevi. De retour en Pologne, il changea
son nom en celui de "Frank".
Les enseignements mystiques secrets de Shabbatai Zevi étaient
complètement contraires aux commandements de la Torah et du Talmud.
Frank transmit ces enseignements en Europe Centrale. Il fonda la secte
hérétique Juive des Frankistes.
Frank prétendait recevoir des révélations directes du Seigneur. Il
poussa ses partisans à se convertir au Christianisme (en fait, au
Catholicisme), tout en continuant à suivre leur religion secrète. Comme
Shabbatai Zevi et Nathan de Gaza, ils s'engageaient dans toutes les
activités interdites par la Loi, en particulier sur le plan sexuel. Tout
cela devait prouver qu'en abandonnant la Torah, ils pouvaient avoir
accès à une sagesse divine plus élevée et à des connaissances mystiques
plus profondes. En fait, leurs pratiques étaient du pur satanisme.
De cette manière, les disciples de Shabbatai et de Frank, en refusant de
se soumettre à la Torah et d'obéir aux commandements de Dieu, avaient
inventé une nouvelle loi qu'ils pouvaient librement contrôler. Tels la
"petite corne" de Daniel, ils en étaient venus à se proclamer eux-mêmes
Cette fausse conversion des Frankistes au Christianisme ne devait être,
pour eux, qu'une étape pour atteindre leur future religion messianique
Un grand nombre de Juifs Polonais se convertirent au Frankisme, ce qui
attira l'attention de la noblesse polonaise. Devant l'ampleur du
phénomène, l'Eglise Catholique fit juger Jacob Frank, qui fut emprisonné
pendant 13 ans, de 1760 à 1773.
A sa sortie de prison, Frank émigra en Autriche, où Marie-Thérèse,
l'Archiduchesse d'Autriche, l'engagea pour servir de porte-parole des
Chrétiens auprès des Juifs. Fort de la protection de l'Archiduchesse,
Frank commença à vouloir se faire passer pour le Messie. Mais, cette
fois, à l'image de son maître Shabbatai Zevi qui s'était "sacrifié pour
racheter l'Islam", ce nouveau faux Messie s'était "sacrifié pour
racheter l'Eglise Catholique", en se convertissant au Christianisme.
Frank en vint à nommer douze disciples féminins, qui étaient en fait ses
concubines, ainsi que douze disciples masculins, qui étaient ses émissaires.
La cour de Vienne commença à douter de la conversion de Frank, et à
penser qu'il n'était en fait qu'un Juif sous une apparence Chrétienne.
Déjà excommunié par les rabbins Juifs, Frank fut expulsé de Vienne par
les autorités Catholiques. A l'âge de 60 ans, en 1786, il vint se fixer
dans le petit village d'Offenbach, en Hesse, près de Francfort,
entraînant avec lui une véritable cour de 600 personnes.
De mystérieux nouveaux bienfaiteurs avaient pourvu à ses besoins financiers.
A cette époque, Francfort était le quartier général d'un Jésuite, Adam
Weishaupt, fondateur des Illuminati, ainsi que le siège des Rothschild,
qui étaient en train de se tailler un empire financier. Il est important
de comprendre que la ville allemande de Francfort a été le berceau à la
fois des Illuminati et de l'empire Rothschild.
Quand Frank vint s'installer à Offenbach, dans la banlieue de Francfort,
il avait déjà conclu une alliance avec Weishaupt et les Rothschild.
Weishaupt apportait toutes les ressources de l'Ordre des Jésuites, et
les Rothschild fournissaient les finances. Quant à Frank, il leur
faisait bénéficier de tout le réseau de ses agents, dans le monde
Chrétien comme dans le monde Islamique.
Plus tard, Weishaupt s'infiltra, avec les agents Frankistes, dans les
Loges Maçonniques. Tous les rituels initiatiques furent modifiés. Par le
moyen des loges maçonniques, le message secret anti-Torah de Shabbatai
Zevi se répandit dans le monde entier.
Les Frankistes furent aussi très actifs pendant la Révolution française
et l'Empire Napoléonien, dissimulés sous une apparence de bons et loyaux
On peut affirmer que Frank maintint en vie et développa les idées de
Shabbatai Zevi, pour en faire l'un des mouvements les plus importants du
18e siècle. Selon de nombreux spécialistes, ce furent ces idées qui
inspirèrent, entre autres, les Révolutions Américaine, Française et
Turque. Elles contribuèrent aussi à créer les branches du Judaïsme
Conservateur et du Judaïsme Réformé.
En 1994, le Rabbi Marvin Antelman, Président de la Cour Suprême
Rabbinique d'Israël, publia deux ouvrages fondamentaux : "To Eliminate
the Opiate, Vol. 1 and 2".
Il explique dans ces livres de quelle manière certains responsables
politiques Israéliens travaillent en fait à détruire le cœur et l'âme
Ce fut ce même Rabbi Antelman qui excommunia Henry Kissinger....
makes her laws"
Meyer Rothschild, the most powerful man who ever lived.
For many years the words international banker, Rothschild, Money and Gold have held a mystical type of fascination for many people around the world but particularly in the United States.
Over the years in the United States, the international bankers have come in for a great deal of criticism by a wide variety of individuals who have held high offices of public trust - men whose opinions are worthy of note and whose responsibilities placed them in positions where they knew what was going on behind the scenes in politics and high finance.
President Andrew Jackson, the only one of our presidents whose administration totally abolished the National Debt, condemned the international bankers as a "den of vipers" which he was determined to "rout out" of the fabric of American life. Jackson claimed that if only the American people understood how these vipers operated on the American scene "there would a revolution before morning."
Congressman Louis T. McFadden who, for more than ten years, served as chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee, stated that the international bankers are a "dark crew of financial pirates who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket... They prey upon the people of these United States."
John F. Hylan, then mayor of New York, said in 1911 that "the real menace of our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses, generally referred to as 'international bankers.'"
Were these leading public figures correct in their assessment of the situation, or were they the victims of some exotic form of paranoia?
Let's examine history analytically and unemotionally and uncover the facts. The truth, as it unfolds, will prove to be eye-opening and educational to those who are seeking to more clearly understand the mind-boggling events that have been (and are) taking place on the national and international scenes.
Swiss National bank (Banque Nationale Suisse) agreed to sell half of all its Gold in 1998 under pressure from the Jewish groups....
Swiss National Bank sold its gold when its price was lowest in international markets in 2004.
Swiss National Bank bailed out Jewish UBS-Warburg (USA) with 60 billion CHF loan in 2008.
Swiss National bank borrowed money from Jewish-FEDERAL RESERVE at interest... thus compromising GREATLY its monetary independence while it could have just printed the money at no charge (& without the risk of inflation).
Swiss National bank makes a loss of 21 billion Swiss Francs in 2010 on currency exchange.
Swiss National Bank announces it will not be able to pay 2 billion CHF to Swiss Cantons annually anymore because of the loss of 21 billion CHF.
Some Jews have control of Swiss National Bank and the Swiss Federal council is utterly silent.... If it is not FULL control, it is incompetence for the least but i am among those silent people who think it is infiltration of Switzerland by JEWS and Zionist-JEWS only.
"Establish the FACTS (as above) and TRUTH will attend to itself"
makes her laws"
Meyer Rothschild, the most powerful man who ever lived.